Friday 12 September 2014

Really this just cracked me up and tot I should share...Well I apologize for my absence in d past months,i've been tied up with school stuff,business and so on .As we all know this money has to be made directly or indirectly..LOL...well I'm back and out!!

Wednesday 7 May 2014


234 girls are missing and 234 is Nigeria's country there sum coincidence???Ihave been pondering over this kidnap situation and something dont add up hence these questions. The students are said to be SSS3 student writing physics examination.

QUESTIONS: 1. Why are their names not yet published by the school, state government and WAEC?

2.Why are their pictures not over the news media?

3. How come all 234 students are in SSS3 and all came to write physics examination when the total number of students in the whole school are around 1200?

4. It was announced that the Borno states govt gave N1m each to parents of the missing girls. If thats true.

QUESTIONS: 1.Why was this money given to these parents, was it as compensation for the kidnaps or compensation for their deaths?

2. On Tuesday 29th April 2014, the senator from Borno said in the senate that the girls had been taken out of the country to Chad, Niger and Cameroon and married off to their adoptors.

QUESTIONS: How come these senators know so much, who are their informants? Why is the wife of the state governor organising women to pressure FG in Abuja after the National Security Council has ordered the armed forces to use all state resources to secure the release of the adopted Girls.

I just wonder how 200 girls can be kidnapped at once. How come we havent seen those girls who they said have escaped on tv? If the Ss3 student aren't up to 120 in a school of 1200, how is it possible 234 girls are missing? Where are the school authorities? We haven't seen any of them on tv.

WHO IS FOOLING WHO? I need objective answers pls, its time all Nigerians start asking questions than drawing to conclusions

Saturday 5 April 2014


Hello everyone...please vote for this beau (MISS LAGOS) by clicking on d like botton for MISS GLAMOUR 2014...thanks in advance..pls re-bc

Tell your friends to tell their friends....


Don't wear a vest or sleeveless top  without shaving your armpits or without a bra underneath.

Don't leave cheap nail polish to wear off on its own, there's a reason why they sell nail polish remover.

If you can't afford Brazilian, India and Malaysia hair, don't bother we understand.

Don't do artificial nails that makes you look like a Chinese dragon queen, Being simple is always sexy.

See through leggings or a see through top used as a dress when you are out in public is a Hell-to-the-no, Some dude might think you are selling!

Never do things for a man with a hope of getting something in return, expectations are dangerous so do it simply bcos you want to.

Never oppose or contradict your man in public.

Never stalk the man that dumped you for another girl.

Don't act on distress while in a relationship, Whatever you looking for on his phone and Facebook you will definitely find it.

Don't nag him to death and continuously acting like a paranoid freak will push him to someone else.

Stop obsessing over your body, You are fine and some other girl is finer so leave it at that.

Over accessorizing yourself makes you look like a Christmas tree but your friends won't tell you.

Never leave home without your dignity.

Never leave your used sanitary pad where someone else will see it...Bitch Please!

Never wear high heels if you can't do the Naomi Campbell walk, You will end up walking like a drunk grasshopper.

Finally,never wish to be like the other woman bcos there are others envying you for who you are...


Thursday 3 April 2014


Tochukwu Ezeji popular known as TBOY is an upcoming artiste who recently got signed to YOUNG ACHIEVAS ENTERTAINMENT which is a Label that operates under the popular Achievas Entertainment known for the likes of the 'oluchi crooner' Solidstar & cameroonian superstar Xcellente.

This young vibrant artiste has come forth with his highly anticipated first official single titled LOOSE CONTROL which features fast rising producer/singer SELEBOBO who also produced the song.
Listen to the audio for loose control, download, enjoy & share.

we say good luck to TBOY & kudos to his label.

Click on the link below to download

See photos after cut...

Wednesday 26 March 2014


Meet arewa_oyinkansola.....a pretty and charming princess....LOL....Oh WELL,so far my break has been eventful....

see photos after cut ......


If you feel like you’re at the end the road with nowhere to go, realize you are lying to yourself.  You have imprisoned yourself in your own mind by telling self-defeating stories.

Stories about what your life should be like, what you should have already accomplished, and so forth.  By doing this you’ve created a tiny space in your mind and you’ve begun to believe you are actually living in it.

But you are NOT.  You are alive in a vast world with infinite destinations.  Take a moment to remind yourself of this.  Go outside.  Look at the sky and the clouds.  THIS is the space in which you really live.  Breathe it in.  Then look at your current situation again.

Here are some things you need to consider before you give up:

You never fail until you’re satisfied with failure.

– Failure is not falling down; failure is staying down when you have the choice to get back up.  Sometimes you have to fail a thousand times to succeed.  Which means you haven’t really failed yet; you’ve just found a bunch of ways that don’t work.  So don’t get so hung up on a few failed attempts that you miss every new opportunity coming your way.  All of your ideas that don’t work are simply stepping stones on your way to the one idea that does.

What you have learned is what’s important. Life always offers you a second chance – it’s called tomorrow.  But this second chance doesn’t mean anything if you haven’t learned from the events of today.  You have to acknowledge your troubles but gather strength from them, and laugh at your mistakes but learn from them. 

Getting a second chance in life is about giving yourself the opportunity to grow beyond your past failures.  It’s about learning as you go and positively adjusting your attitude and efforts toward future possibilities.

Tough times are just part of life’s natural balance. – Life lives, life dies.  Life laughs, life cries.  Life gives up and life tries.  And life looks different through everyone’s eyes.  In fact, who you were, who you are, and who you will become are three completely different people.  And as you gradually grow beyond the person you were yesterday, keep life’s challenges in perspective.  Hear life’s harmony, and notice the delicate balance.  Realize that life is like playing a grand piano.  The white keys create your happiness and the black keys denote your troubles.  But as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys also create music.

Pain helps you grow. – Sometimes things must change so you can change.  Sometimes you must break a little so you can get a peek inside to see what an awesome powerhouse you are.  Sometimes mistakes must be made so wisdom can be earned.  Sometimes you must overcome heartache so you can begin to follow your heart again.

Success is a way of living. – Don’t let your struggles become your identity.  Not everything in your life will go as you expect it to.  This is why you need to drop expectations, live in the present, and go with the flow, rather than against it.  Remind yourself that it’s perfectly okay not to be perfect.  Ultimately, success is not something you achieve, it is what you learn and how you grow as you deal with the realities of life.

You can choose differently.In many cases, the only thing in life you have control over is your perspective.  No matter what happens, YOU control what the meaning is, and what to do with the meaning you give to the circumstance.  Choose to react in a way that motivates happiness, love, or forgiveness, even when circumstances make that choice difficult.

It’s not supposed to be easy. – Just because you’re not where you want to be today doesn’t mean you won’t be there someday.  Again, success is tied to long-term determination.  Successful people keep moving and trying.  They make mistakes, but they do not quit...