Thursday 23 January 2014


Life is beautiful but not always easy, it has problems, too, and the challenge lies in facing them with courage.

No doubt, life is beautiful and every moment is a celebration of being alive, but one should be always ready to face challenges. A person who has not encountered difficulties in life can never achieve success.

Difficulties test the courage, patience and true character of a human being.hardships makes a person strong and ready to face the challenges of life. There is no doubt that there can be no gain without pain.It is only when one toils and sweats it out that success is refreshed and sustained.

life is and should not be just a bed of roses; thorns are also a part of it and should be accepted by us just as we accept the beautiful side of life.

Those, who have the impression that life is a bed of roses  become victims of depression and frustration. One who faces difficulties with courage and accepts success without letting it go to its head is the one who experience real happiness, contentment and peace in life.

Those, who think, that good times last forever, easily succumb to pressure during difficulties. They do not put in required hard work and efforts because they break down easily.

An  example is a student who studies hard, burns down candle sticks, get bitten by mosquitoes all for success.And of cause a successful executive has to face the ups and downs of life, not forgetting that life is a mixture of success and failure, joy and sorrow.

If he loses hope during difficult times, he would not achieve sucess

In conclusion, life is beautiful just as roses but it has challenges which are like thorns and have to be faced and overcome by everyone.Those, who accept these, challenges and succeed, are the ones, who know how to live life in its true sense.Thus, enjoy life but also be prepared to bear the pricks of pain.


Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life.It makes life sweet..It can lead us to success or to failure. It all depends on how we choose our friends

Friendship is both good and is only the people of the same age, character and background, mentality that can understand each other's problems.

They are needed to turn to when one is in trouble, and facing difficulties.Friends are needed at every stage of ones life.

We all need to select our friends very carefully and remember that statement “All that glitters is not gold”. In the same manner,some friends remain in disguise of good friends and lead us to the wrong path, while some mean well.

We spend much of our time with them.   Their behaviour and attitudes affect us too. Therefore, we have to choose our friends very carefully. We have to differenciate between friends and non-friends. True friends remain with us through thick and thin while non-friends are found only during sunny days.

Lasting friendship is indeed a blessing, it can make or break us.reasons why one has to be careful.also,It can lead to good careers and proper living. It does not matter how often you meet your friends, but how much you care and feel for one another in good times as well as in bad times.


Who I am today , and who I will be tomorrow will be formed not by myself but by the people that surround me.possibly my friends and family, my biggest influence is my mum. As a child, she taught me practically everything from feeding to clothing myself; judging situations and reacting, being polite and being respectful to adults.without you mum, I know I would be lost
She is my personal miracle, that one woman who calms me down with her soft words when i am in my most furious mood.
My mum is a wonderful influence, she loves me so much that I sometimes resent her for not letting me make my own stupid decisions.i know almost every girl does and then end up feeling guilty afterwards but not know how to apologise afterwards.LOL!she is my jewel! My Mother

Wednesday 22 January 2014


Ever wondered why I decided to become a blogger overnight? Well, likes of seyifunmi bakare inspired me.LOL! Well,im a future diplomat,im beautiful, about 5.8inches tall,slim,an extrovert, charming,emotional and of cos God-fearing; theres no me without G0d.Also I get really stubborn sometimes.LOL! WELL,I believe in entrepreneurship,being a sucessful entrepreneur is the best thing one can ever hope for.You all will be getting more of entertainment lines, advert placing and of cause lot of suprising and intriguing lines.and be free to make contributions/criticism. ..Thanks